Active Classroom Programmer (ACP)

You have the option to use it from VS Code or directly in your web-browser.

You should have received an announcement from ACP. If not, contact Nasser.

Bring your laptop/tablet to lectures if you can. You will be given a chance to code. If you don’t, lectures are still interactive and useful.

‘Python Tutor’ Java visualisation

Access via a web-browser.

This is a FANTASTIC resource once we start getting classes, instances, etc.

A guide has been written for it here.

Memory visualisation

Access via a web-browser.

The following were developed for a C++ variant of this course, so might not all be as relevant.

Nonetheless, worth playing around with:

Visualising polymorphism

Access via a web-browser!

A quick serious of game-like exercises to visualise object reference variables, particularly for supporting inheritance and polymorphism.

Visual OOP Analogy

Access via a web-browser!

Another game-like set of activities to help understand OOP concepts using an analogy.

Here’s an instruction video about it. The demo in the video shows the C++ version, but it works exactly the same for the Java version:


Available for:

  • Android mobile/tablet,
  • Windows PC,
  • Linux PC, or
  • Directly in your web-browser.

This specifically targets the data structure module (from Week 7). Unfortunately it’s predominantly for C++, but the concepts may still be useful.