Exercises demonstrated during lectures will be made available for you in Active Classroom Programmer (ACP).

There are two ways to use ACP:

  1. Use the web interface, or
  2. Use the the VS Code extension (recommended)

Your ACP username and password

You should have received a password to use ACP, sent to your @aucklanduni.ac.nz email. If you did not receive such an email, email Nasser. Please note that this password is compleletey different from your UoA password.

If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it by clicking on the “Reset password” link on the web login page. For your convenience, here is the reset password link:


Using the ACP web interface

To use ACP through your web browswer, simply visit https://acp.foe.auckland.ac.nz/ide.

The following screenshot shows the ACP web IDE and how to run a particular version of a project:


  1. Select your course
  2. Select the project you want to run
  3. Select the version of the project you want to run
  4. Select the file you want to view
  5. Click on the “Run” button
  6. View the output of the program

Using the the VS Code extension (recommended)

The recommended way to use ACP is through the VS Code extension. This allows you to use the full power of VS Code to edit and run your programs.

To install the extension, go to the VS Code extension marketplace:


Search for “ACP” in the VS Code extension marketplace, then click the Install button:


Next go to the Explorer tab in VS Code:


You will find a new ACP PROJECTS tab at the bottom. Click on it to open it:


Click on the Login to ACP button: Edit

Enter your ACP username and password as prompted:


You can stretch the tab to make it easier to see the projects:


Select your course, then select the project you want to explore. Click on the Download icon next to a particular version to download it to your computer. The folder needs to be either an empty folder, or a folder that is already dedicated to ACP projects (meaning a folder in which you have already used ACP, or downloaded an ACP project to). This is a safety precaution to avoid you accidentally overwriting important files on your system with ACP projects.


You can run the project as usual in VS Code:


You can switch to different versions of the project using the Download icon for another version:


You will be prompted to confirm that the current files in your workspace will be overwritten:


After you confirm, the new code will appear:
